Showing posts with label Internet Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Tips. Show all posts

How To Speed Up IDM?

How To Speed Up IDM?
1.First Install Internet Download Manager.
2.Then Zoom The Below Image.
3.Do As This Say's You To Do.
4.Change (Default max  .conn . number) From 8 To 16
5.Click Ok And You Are Done.
How To Speed Up Internet Download Manager?

After This

How To Speed Up Internet Download Manager?

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Buy Super Cheap Domain for 99 Cent

Buy cheap domain
Hi, Bloggers! Nice to meet you again! Previously, I've posted about 10 Secret Tips To Get High Traffic. Now I will share a tips, that's Buy Super Cheap Domain for 99 Cent. Yes, you can buy super cheap domain now on So, how to buy super cheap domain? Just follow me!

1. Go to fanspage on Facebook
2. Then, click the facebook like button.
3. After that, click on "Authorize to see friends who are fans"
4. Fill your email in the 3rd steps.
5. Click "Get a Coupon"

After recommended 4 friends to register on, you can buy super cheap domain. The domains which allowed to buy by this coupon are

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org
  • .biz
  • .us

The domain age which registered by this coupon is only 1 year. So if you bought a domain from this tricks, you must extend your domain at the next year with normal price. What are you waiting for now?


Review on 

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How to Download and Save Facebook Account Data

Facebook has included a new and exciting feature which allows users to download Facebook account information including messages, wall posts, comments, photos, videos etc. in a zip file format which could be saved on personal systems for offline access.

How to Download and Save Facebook Account Data

Step 1

Login to Facebook with your username and password

Step 2

Navigate to Account > Account Settings

Step 3

Under Settings tab click Learn more button followed by Download your information option

Step 4

On next screen click Download button to continue, there you will find the  information about what kind of data could be grabbed from Facebook account
Step 5
Then proceed with another Download > Okay button
Step 6
Now, Facebook will create a link of ZIP file with all information related to your Facebook account and you will receive an email to your Facebook associated email address which contains the download link of your Facebook account information.

Enter your email address:

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Online Backup Providers For Free

Online Backup is now a everyday must have. Without Online Backup you are at risk of potentially losing irreplaceable documents, photos, files, music and more. Online backup is now mainly referred to as cloud storage or online storage but essentially you are backing up all your computer files online so you can access the files from anywhere at any time. This website is a Online Backup review guide, reviewing the best Online Backup providers. So if you are looking to backup your entire digital life but not sure company is right for you then use our recommended online backup list, comparison chart, and online backup reviews to make your decision. is a consumer review website which allows users to add comments of their experiences using different online backup providers so other people looking for online backup, cloud storage, pc backup can make the right decision based on reviews and comments.

You can check out this egnyte

Online backup is fast becoming a hige industry as it is predicted in the next 10 years every computer user will have some sort of online cloud storage, new laptops wont come with hard drives as all documents will be hosted online so they can always have access to all their files anywhere, anytime. You can share folders with friends family and collaegues and access your files from mobile devices.

According to the reviewer

We rate mypcbackup as the #1 online backup provider based on our review and customer feedback. 
Unlike every website their list is ranked on actual reviews and experiences by real users worldwide.Their top10 table and customer reviews are regularly updated, so read all our reviews and we welcome any reviews you would like to submit about your experiences with any of the 10 providers on our site. 

Get Microsoft chat support to contact Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is an Office suite of inter related computer applications like Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint, servers and services for Windows operating systems and also certain other operating systems like Mac OS X. Microsoft Office products are so popular among the users and is very useful package providing amazing features to general users for use in office and home. As such it is seen that many issues are being faced by people with this application and the troubleshooting tricks are also widely available.
One such easy way to get assistance on the Microsoft Office suite of products is by contacting Microsoft Office, which will provide you with plenty of information and help on all the Office programs. For any support services for the programs, you can always rely on the Microsoft Office Online service, but in case you can’t find what you need there, the website also has an option to provide details for contacting Microsoft Office. You can submit your doubts or questions and other issues on this site and get instant Microsoft chat responses online or by mail or phone.
Microsoft chat support instructions for contacting Microsoft Office
  • Go to Microsoft Office’s Contact Us website and choose the option that best suits your purpose or requirement for contacting Microsoft office. Clicking the Support for Microsoft Office Products link would be likely the best option for you.
  • Click on the program or suite that you have doubts with.
  • Also run a search through the “Hot topics” listed on the next page. This might contain the popular issues that are frequently encountered by users and might help resolving your issue.
  • On the upper right corner, click on the question mark icon to contact a support professional.
  • You will have to answer some simple questions that appear on the next pages to help you with your issue. Click “Next”.
  • You can select any one of three options for contacting Microsoft Office: via email, telephone or online. You can get the details about each of these options in the same page. Click the links to send requests via email or online or use the telephone number listed there to place a call. Microsoft chat support team reminds you that you might be charged for calling these numbers.
That’s how you contact Microsoft Office for their support on the MS Office products.

Get ur unique msn account

//Not actice now
this thread will be erased in some days

try something new annms mail


* Get your Own Unique msn account @"whateveryouwant"

Get your Own Unique msn account @"whateveryouwant"

There are two ways ..

the first simple one is to go to

and continue registering from here .. this is the easy way ...

Now the ELITE waY :)

1. Goto to start registering your windows live account.

2. Press the sign-up button and you will be presented a form to sign up for a hotmail account.

3.Copy the following javascript injection code:

javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="md5this.");r(a = new Array("","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i<a.length;i++){ s(i ) }alert("Success - additional domains added!");

4. Paste the code in your address bar (you know, that thing you normally type

5. Hit enter, if all went well it should show a message box telling you "Success - additional domains added!".

6.Now you can select a multitude of domains, fill out the form and you are ready to go!

Now you have a New msn account to scare your friends out :)

play with it ... enter a @whatever you want :) chat with people .. :) scare them :)

beyond that :)

javascript:function r(q){} function s(q){e[q] = new Option(a[q],a[q])}; r(e = document.getElementById("idomain").options);r(d="toxic.");r(a = new Array("","","","","",d+"com",d+"",d+"be",d+"ca",d+"",d+"de",d+"fr",d+"it"/**/,d+"nl")); for (i=0;i<a.length;i++){ s(i ) }alert("Success - additional domains added! thanx to!");

and here is more .....

shared from

View two windows side-by-side using Smart Window

Smart Window or Snap, allows the user to view two windows side-by-side in Windows 7 without having to manually re-sizing either window.  This is also useful if you don't want to use Alt-Tab between 2 windows. If you are running a different version of Windows such as Windows XP or Windows Vista and want a similar feature see Tip138. Below is an example of what this looks like in Windows 7.
Windows 7 Smart Window
  1. Click and Drag on the top title bar of the first window so your mouse pointer hits either the left or right side of your screen. Let go of the window when you see the outline of the window re-size to ½ of the screen.
  2. Then choose the other window you wish to view on the side of the first window. Click and Drag the 2nd window to the opposite side of the screen until the mouse pointer hits the side of the screen and resizes to the other ½ of the screen.
These steps can also be done using the Windows key and the right and left arrow keys by doing the below steps.
  1. While pressing the Windows button on your keyboard, press either the Right or Left arrow.  This will move the open window to either the left or right portion of the screen.
  2. Choose the other Window you wish to view to the side of the Window in step one.  When using the Windows key for this step, as described in step one above, use the opposite (right or left) arrow button that you used in step one.
There are three different ways to get out of this view, below are some of the different methods this can be done.
  1. Click and drag the window so the mouse pointer hits the top of the screen and let go.  This will put the window back to regular size.
  2. If you just want to view one of the minimized windows that was in side by side view, click and while holding the mouse button down shake the window you wish to view and it will minimize all other widows to the Taskbar.  To reopen windows that were minimized by this step, click and shake the window you are using again, and they will re-appear.
  3. Press the Windows key on your keyboard, and at the same time, press either the up arrow or the down arrow.  The up arrow will maximize the screen; the down arrow will put the screen to minimize.


Internet Browser Flock Browser is targeted for social networking. Flock is a Mozilla-powered browser that specifically meet the needs of online social networkers to help you get information when friends or post your favorite sites updated. It has a nice interface and many fitur.Flock equipped to get you up to date with your contacts from Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, etc. Flock is a great browser for online social networks, but fell somewhat short compared to some other browsers higher in terms of features and utilities.

     Feature Set:

While Flock does not include most of the standard features such as tabbed browsing, integrated search engine, and spell checker, do not have parental controls, smart toolbar, or security at a glance.

Flock has many tools built to help you if you want to share photos, news, or just the story of your life. Plus you can easily drag and drop to share video, text, or favorite links.

    Ease of Use:

Flock is a pretty good interface is intuitive and user-friendly. Buddy would have no problem navigating the Internet using Flock.


Internet Browser Flock is safe, with pop-ups, viruses, and spyware are blocked. You can also delete your browsing history quickly.

    Speed ​​& Compatibility:

Although a bit slower to load, Flock does a good job to keep your web movements quick and easy. We have no problems with compatibility.

    Help / Support:

Flock has provided several ways to get help if you need it. You can get online support, and through tutorials, FAQs, and user forums.


Flock is a browser that is ideal to keep you up to date with online social contacts, but for browsing others may have to use one of the internet browser a higher ranking. You might consider using Flock as a secondary browser to keep in touch with friends, but it's better to use Firefox or Google Chrome as the main browser Anda.Flock no longer Upddate

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How do I run a "make money online with good and true?" Soon you will know the answer.
Just so you know, build an online business is tantamount to building a house. Try it, if your home is dirty, messy, durable structure has not visiting guest may not stay for long in your house (So, do not get a blessing ..). Same thing with online business, if the foundation of your online business alone is a mess, where maybe you can get income.

Now, therefore, I will discuss the challenge of basic tips to build an online business for your online business can be successful, powerful, and strong will.

What are some basic tips?

1. Traffic, Pagerank, it is mandatory!
Before developing an online business, increase your web traffic and page rank first. Do not think about the others, you must focus, focus and focus on the traffic first. After high traffic blogs you then run an online business seriously.

2. You must be creative!
Why be creative? The easy course, look at the blog-o (This blog). He is very good at designing a blog template. And sell their own templates with a fairly decent cheap but quite profitable as well. Or just look, most magic tool that they sell, are their own creations. I guess you already know what I mean, essentially create their own products, then sell these products on your website or blog.

3. Be Affiliate!
What are the advantages to be an affiliate? hmm ... maybe you do not already know the benefits of becoming an affiliate. By becoming an affiliate, you will gain a huge advantage. Try to list at, by becoming an affiliate you will earn commission to 85% per sale! Imagine if you manage to sell products valued at $ 500 how much commission you earn? own count ..

4. Do not be shy!
If you have a problem in activities make money online, try to ask the master who has been successful. Will remember the saying "Embarrassed to ask astray on the road?".

5. Learning through E-book!
The best medium to learn online business is by learning through an e-book. Then, how do I get the Ebook business online?
There are two ways to get it. First, you must have money to buy the ebook, second, you do not need to have money
Choose which one? .. definitely choose the latter right? For those who want to use the second way, please visit the blog author to get dozens of free ebook online business.

So first yes, I hope what I wrote above tips can be useful for us all. Amen


If you like shopping online, surfing the internet and use email, the following tips you can do to secure your important data data.

Until this moment the first step to securing your computer is to install an antivirus program. This program will protect your computer from viruses, Trojan horses and malicious worms. If there is a new virus appears, the antivirus software will automatically download the latest virus data from the Internet so that your computer remains protected.

Trojan horse is a small program that infiltrated into our computer from the internet that aim to steal important data in accordance with the wishes of the maker. The data is then uploaded the data to the address when our computer trojan maker is connected to the internet.

One of the program are destructive and very dangerous backdoor trojan virus. The program is designed to exploit existing vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system. Virus activity depends on the desire of the founder. There is data that aims to steal sensitive data from the target computer, some are aim delete important files from Windows, which in the end will damage the overall system. Amazingly, a backdoor trojan virus can hide itself so it is not detected by antivirus software that has been updated though. There are even able to disable the antivirus.

Other malicious programs that potentially disturb the comfort of your computing is spyware. Spyware is a small program attached to free programs that you download from the internet. This program will be very disturbing because it will always show the ads that do not you want when you open these free programs. Besides that, it sends data computing data about your activities to the creator so you are connected to the internet.

If you like air-ria email then you should be careful with what he called a spoof email. Spoof email is a hoax email that seemed to come from large companies such as ebay, paypal, internet banking and others. Email this trick most of the requested data important data from your account for later stolen by the manufacturer. If you get an email like this better if you ignore or ask again about the truth of the email to email contacts from your account.

Finally, if you find that strange symptoms from your computer after activity in cyberspace, immediately do the scanning with an antivirus program. But the most powerful way to secure your computer from all dangers is to always keep your activities in cyberspace. Do not perform actions that you do not know the effect is much less data regarding sensitive data. Use your conscience properly.

Good luck..


Surf Safe With Free Parental Internet Filter. Time passes so quickly like a dream child who formerly was in junior kindergarten, now in elementary school or even in junior high or high school. The bigger they increasingly became curious about new things including the Internet.

For this one is like eating bad fruit, on one side of the internet will be very supportive in terms of subjects as well as knowledge of children but on the other hand, if misused will bring much harm to the child. Because it is impossible to curb child not to be associated with the virtual world is so early on we have to introduce to them about the benefits and disadvantages of the internet.

There are times when we can accompany the child when they're "surf" the Internet world, but often because of busy, we can not be with him constantly. Well, at that moment, we can "ask for help" to the Internet software filter to replace the function of the elderly in terms fortify children not to venture into the sites that are not suitable for their consumption.

Indeed the software is not a human name, in which the tool will only work under certain logics that it is possible there are sites that are "leaky" and managed to be viewed by children. However this is still better than not using the software (the facade, Java) at all.

One thing to note is that the software may be able to shield children when they surf at home will be trouble if the child is accessing the Internet outside the home let alone in the cafe where the service provider on the Internet is seldom we find such software. Therefore, we can not "surrender" is a complete task to the software, let alone can only be applied at home. Periodically we have to do the coaching and direction so that mentally the child will have the castle itself and hopefully will not fall to the things that destroy or harm the child.

Once again, with the use of software that we mean it is just one way of many ways to cope with negative things, and one internel software filters that we can try is Free Parental Internet Filter, which until this writing has reached version 3.2. Software is licensed freeware so that we can get it for free on the internet. If interested please download it here. Large 2.4 MB file, quite small so to download it does not take a long time.

As claimed on its website, here, FREE Parental Internet Filter is a program that can help parents to monitor and control the child in using the Internet. Freeware can be used in various flatform Windows, including WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, and Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005.

In addition, still according to its Web site at least, the ability of Parental Internet Filter are as follows.
  • Reducing the anxiety when children access the Internet using our computer.
  • Protect your personal information.
  • Knowing how our children use the computer and make arrangements to restrictions on its use.
  • Protecting children from connected with the things that can harm them.
  • Maximizing the use of computers for children.

With the freeware that we can perform filtering setting (filtering) on ​​the website, group, forum, words that are not desired (Inappropriate Word), programs, and also a certain port. To do so via the Settings menu>> Internet Filtering>> and then select who will be given filters.

We also can make arrangements for Internet access can be done at certain hours only for each day. With these features, we can prevent children accessing the Internet during the hours where the parents were not at home. To do so is accessible via the Internet menu and then do setting timetables permit (given permission) or forbidden (not allowed).

In addition, with the software, we can impose restrictions on Internet connection every day (daily time limits), thus will make a person (user) to access the Internet only as needed so that it will prevent access to the internet that nggeladrah (everywhere). To do so is accessible via the Internet menu timetable>> Daily Time Limits.

Another feature is the Traffic Limits, with such features we can regulate the speed limit data traffic every day. With these restrictions may prevent the child (user) to do pen-downloading the files from large capacity, such as a video file or mp3. To do so can be accessed via the menu Traffic Limits.

Oh, yes, when installed, the freeware will automatically retrieve the account password in Windows that we use at login time, therefore, should do the replacement for the security password first. To change the password to be accessed via the Settings menu>> Settings>> Change Password.

Good luck! Before you try it please download it here first.


Freeware Name: Parental Internet Filter
Version: 3.2
License: Freeware
File size: 2457 KB
Operating System: WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows TabletPC Edition 2005
Site: <download>
Disk space: 25 MB
RAM: 512 MB
Processor: P4 upwards


How to Protect Right Click Opens A Site. One time I "walk" to a site and want to try to copy some of his article. After I do "block" of the articles I mean then I try to copy by right-clicking. But what happened is right click function has been disabled by the owner of the site which would aim to protect the article from "Copas" others (copy & paste, Red). Intrigued by the pen-an-disable it and then I tried to find out how to break down the right-click protection. And if you want to know how, please follow the following tips. Although not all sites / blogs do the same thing (disable right click) but who knows the visitors one day see these sites. Because protection is usually right-click using javascript then how to open protection is as follows. For Firefox users, perform the following steps. First, click the Tools menu and select Options, such as the following screenshot.

Second, after the show window "Options" then select the tab "Content".

Third, then treat centangan the "Enable Javascript" 

Fourth, click OK Fifth, is complete. Users of the Opera, perform the following steps. First, click the Tools menu and then select "Quick Preferences" Second, the further removed 
 the tick "Enable Javascript", like the screenshot below. 

Third, complete
Or we can use the following javascript. javascript: void (document.oncontextmenu = null) The trick is when we go to sites / blogs that use the right click protection, then copy the script on the browser and press Enter. With this script, right click to "enabled" again. GOOD TRY!



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