Immediately, tips, tricks, and secret windows part II. Continued from tips and tricks Windows 7

1. Computer Error gradually Record
Maybe you have friend or relative who knows the ins and outs of the computer or whiz in
computer case. Then there have a problems or errors on your computer but you do not know how to describe the errors that occur computer to your friends.Actually there is a way for these errors are analyzed and recordedgradually phase by windows 7 using programs Problem Steps Recorder. How, if your computer started experiencing problems or error when you run windows 7 you can click on the Start type PSR, then click EnterRecord.Setelah Problem Steps Recorder that will record every click, the keyboard keys that you type, and take screenshots and finally make some type MHTML file the report by that automatically created a file that already in the zip (compress). You can send a zip file by e-mail to your friend is good at computers.

2. Everything can be right click

For example, if you right-click the Explorer icon on the taskbar, you can directly access folders your general such as Documents, Pictures, Windows Folder, and more And if you are not using Internet Explorer you may wish to remove your IE icon on the taskbar that is just right click and kemudin click "'Unpin this program from the taskbar".

3. Changing the strength UAC.
UAC aims to protect your windows 7 system but with the effect of reducing comfort you in using Windows 7. Strength UAC can change to your liking iejust click Start> Control Panel> User Account Control Change Settings.

4. Run As
If you're logged in user who is not an administrator and want to run the program require administrator permissions there an easy way you can do is right click the program icon who wants to run and press and hold down the shift key after that will show the Run option As. You can just select the administrator.

5. Create crash dump file

Windows 7 will not create a file report damage to software or hardware (memory.dmp) if you only have under 25 GB hard drive capacity. This will be a problem if you want know the damage your software or hardware through memory.dmp report file. But do not worried at least 25 GB features can be turned off by clicking Start, type "regedit" without the quotes and then browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ CrashControl then create a file New DWORD named Always Keep Memory Dump and set to 1.

6. Resource monitor
If you feel the Windows 7 works more slowly than usual there may be a program the errors, crashes, hangs or programs that consume a lot of memory or your CPU. you usually can see the program error / crash in the Task Manager, but the Windows 7 you can also see information program error / crash in the Resource monitor, how to click Start and type RESMON.Resource Enter.Di monitor (Resmon) can be spelled out version upgrades from the Task Manager. Because in Resmon you can analyzeprocess of a program that is going on in windows 7. If the program in error analysis is the program that Windows 7 will tell how how how to repair.I click the right program at the thought makes the program crash / error click Analyze Process.

7. Running the program faster
If you've just run a program or application but then wanted to run again the same program, you do not have to run the program again from the start menu or shortcut on the desktop, you just push and hold down the shift key and click the program icon in the window.

8. Auto arrange your desktop.
Your icon is located apart on the desktop, usually if you want to tidy it up right click on desktop select View> Auto Arrange. But the truth is there is Auto Arrange your shortcut keys just push and hold the F5 key.

9. Disable hibernation
Because the hibernation mode in Windows 7 is turned on automatically, windows 7 will take a little of your hard drive capacity, but if you always turn off your computer and do not use a sleep mode, the hibernation mode will become useless. You can turn off mode hibernation by clicking Start, type regedit and then browse HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Power, and finally replace the value numbers 1 to 0 of HibernateEnabled and HiberFileSizePerfect.

10. Activate XP mode
If you have old software that can not be run on Windows 7, you can try XPMode, which is a virtual copy of windows xp that can run on desktop windows 7. But this mode can run XP if your computer supports hardware virtualisation (AMD-V or Intel VT) is already integrated in the processor and of course must be enabled on your computer's BIOS.

good luck..!!
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